Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"Private" , "blocked" or Hide Caller Id Number (CLID)..

A few options:

Option 1 :  On the TN, CLS CLBA can block the number from being sent.

LD 20
Req       chg
type       Handset Type (Example : 1120,1210, etc)
TN        96 0 6 3
ECHG   yes

cls         CLBA


Option B :  Create a Flexible Feature code for feature "CPP" - make the code *67

Dial *67+Acces Code+Phone Number

Use LD 57 - look for "CPP"

*67 is the standard US dialing string for privacy


  1. does flexiable feature code still work. i don't think they still work for the new generation caller id block

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
