Friday, December 23, 2011

Call Redirection by Time of Day (CRDAY)

Call Redirection by Day (CRDAY). The CRDAY feature allows you to automatically redirect incoming calls on specified days of the week and/or holidays. You can define the number of rings required before a call is redirected, and the Directory Number (DN) to which the call is redirected. Existing parameters that apply to the operation and redirection of DNs of Call Forward No Answer (CFNA) and Hunting also apply to this feature.

The CRDAY feature also uses the alternate DNs introduced by the CRTOD feature. You can configure up to four alternate day lists, DAY0 ? DAY3, for each customer. Each day list can contain one or more days of the week.

You can also configure up to four holiday lists, HOLIDAY0 ? HOLIDAY3, for each customer. Each holiday list can contain up to 20 dates.
You can assign one alternate day list and/or one alternate holiday list for each telephone. The maximum value of the year in a holiday date is 2104. There is a class of service (CLS) for each of CRTOD, CRDAY, and Call Redirection by Holiday (CRHOL). Each CLS can be enabled or disabled separately and are independent of each other

Blocking Outgoing Call after Office Hours : with Scheduled Access Restriction

LD 88
Load Program 88.
SAR: Scheduled Access Restriction data block
Prompt Response Comment
REQ aaa Request (aaa = CHG, END, NEW, OUT, or PRT)
TYPE SAR Type = SAR (Scheduled Access Restriction)
CUST xx Customer number associated with this function
SPWD xxxx Secure Data Password
SGRP 0-999 SAR Group number
SCDR (NO) YES Activate CDR for the SAR code feature
OFFP 1-8 Off-hour Period number
- STAR hh mm Start time
- STOP hh mm Stop time
- DAYS d ... d Respond with a new set of days to be used
- COS a...a Class of Service
- TGAR 0-(1)-31 Trunk Group Access Restriction
- NCOS (0)-99 Network Class of Service
ICR (NO) YES Incoming Calls are Restricted.
LOCK (1)-8 Lock period

Dial out without "9"

The issue : I have is with their analog handsets/fax extensions that do not have the ability of seizing a line without the "9". Althought you can add a Line Appearance to the button programming on analog extensions it does not work. Any other type of solution to accomplish this need?

 Create Speed Call List (SCL) :

LD 18
Req   new
type   scl
Store 0 ACOD+0
Store 1 ACOD+1

Limit Call Duration With Time Forced Disconnect feature....

 In a place of business you can post an enforced time limit, and use it. as long as users have a supervisors or security phone for calls of an er nature. that was according to paperwork a comapany sent us proceeding a change order that stopped abuse at a local company at one site.

LD 16
DMOD: <cr>

Now Just hit enter into you get to the CNTL Prompt

CNTL yes
TIMR tfd 20 (30 second increments, so 20 x 30 = 10)

TFD (0)-3600 basic-15
Timed Forced Disconnect, in 30 second increments.
TFD applies to CO, DIC, FEX, PAG, TIE and WATS

Create Hunt Groups ....

To create Hunt Groups you need to use LD18 to store the extensions in the Group Hunt List and LD57, which assigns the Pilot DN to the Group Hunt List.
LD 18
LSNO (Next List Number)
DNSZ (Directory Number Size)
SIZE (Size of list, How many entries)
STOR 00 XXXX (XXXX = Directory Number)
STOR 01 XXXX (XXXX = Directory Number)


Create Pick-Up Groups

Feature Description

Meridian 1 provides three methods of picking up calls which are ringing unanswered at other extensions. The method used depends whether the ringing
extension is in your pick-up group or not. This feature can be used by both analogue and digital sets; the latter can have a dedicated feature key if preferred.

The three methods are   :
Answer Call Pick-Up
This enables you to pick up calls within your own group.

Directed Pick-Up
This allows you to pick up calls in other pick-up groups using the DN of the ringing extension.

Answer Group Pick-Up
This allows you to pick up calls in other pick-up groups using the group number of the ringing extension.

Groups are identified by a "Ringing Number Pick-Up Group" (RNPG) number
(1 - 4095). A value of 0 indicates that the extension is not a member of a group.

For either analogue or digital sets the Pick-Up Group (RNPG) must be specified and the Class of Service (PUA, DPUA, GPUA) set depending which of the three pick-up methods is required by the user.

CLS for Restricted...

All from memory:

Fully Restricted Service
There are three levels of Fully Restricted Service:

-    allowed to originate and receive internal calls
-    denied access to TIE and Common Controlled Switching Arrangement networks
-    denied access to and from the exchange network, either by dialing, through an attendant, or using call modification from an unrestricted telephone

Call modification takes place when certain features are activated while a call is in progress (for example, Call Park, Call Pickup, Call Transfer, Conference, or Night Answer).

Call Waiting.....

Feature Description

This feature notifies an extension user, currently engaged on an established call, that another call is waiting to be answered. On a digital set notification is by a flashing lamp associated with the Call Waiting key and a buzz tone through the loudspeaker of the set. On analogue sets notification is by two bursts of tone through the ear-piece of the handset.

The user can put the first call on hold, answer the second call, and return to the first call when desired. The analogue set use a Flexible Feature Code to activate and deactivate this feature and the digital extensions must have a dedicated key.

There is an option to notify that internal calls and/or external calls are waiting.
Feature Implementation
In order for call waiting to work, an extension must be forward busy denied (FBD) and hunting denied (HTD).
For analogue sets, allow the Class of Service Call Waiting (CWA), Internal Call Waiting (SWA) and Warning Tone (WTA).
For digital sets, allow the Class of Service Internal Call Waiting (SWA) and Warning Tone (WTA). The Call Waiting feature must be allocated to a key.


Call park : is a feature of some telephone systems that allows a person to put a call on hold at one telephone set and continue the conversation from any other telephone set.

The “call park” feature is activated by pressing a preprogrammed button (usually labelled “Call Park”) or a special sequence of buttons. This transfers the current telephone conversation to an unused extension number and immediately puts the conversation on hold. (This is called parking the call; and the call is said to have parked onto a certain extension. Essentially, call parking temporarily assigns an extension number to an incoming call.) The telephone system will then display the extension number of the parked call so that the call can later be retrieved.

At this point, the telephone system will often provide an option for the person to make an announcement through a public address system (often consisting of some or all of the telephone sets and or overhead paging speakers controlled by the telephone system). Making such announcements in such a way is referred to as paging. To access the paging system, the user must enter the paging access code or press the "page" button on the telephone, and announce the call parked extension. An example would be at a grocery store where the bakery has a call parked. The user would say "Bakery you have a call parked on 627" and the bakery department would then dial 627 to access the call on hold.